How to Assign a Survey

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To assign surveys to yourself:

1. Go to your My Surveys page from the main menu tab labeled My Program
2. On the My Surveys page you will see your unique Mobile Code at the top. This is the code you must enter into your mobile phone app in order to sync the App with the web platform. Before the App can by synced you must assign at least one survey to be taken from the phone.
3. Click the Assign a Survey icon. This opens up a pop-up window.
4. At the top of the Survey Assignment box you will see that the first field has already been completed.
5. In the Survey field select from the drop down menu the survey you wish to assign
6. In the Respondent field select yourself. NOTE: If you are assigning surveys to be taken on a mobile phone you can ONLY make the respondent the same as the subject. When assigning surveys to be taken on the web then you can make the respondent a different person from the subject, e.g. you could assign a survey to a parent (respondent) to complete about their child (subject). If you want to assign this survey in the same way to every member of a group then select the Group rather than selecting the individual respondent.
7. Check the Limit Dates box
8. Enter the Start and End dates for this survey by clicking in the calendar window
9. Follow the instructions below for the particular Schedule Type you are using.
10. Finally read the article on Survey Availability Windows

Schedule Types for Mobile Surveys

Momentary Surveys

Use the Momentary type when you want participants to be alerted by their mobile device when it's time to take the survey. When you select "Momentary" from the drop down menu an additional pop-up window will open up. This allows you to set the times of day within which the alerts will occur. By default the Start and End times are set to 8:30 AM and 6:00 PM Monday - Friday. You can choose to leave these as they are or change the times or days as you wish. No alerts will be sent outside the times set in this window. At least one day must be completed, to not have surveys appear on any particular day of the week just set the times to blank for that day.

Momentary surveys must have limited dates. The "Limit Dates" box will be checked, you can edit the Start and End dates. Make sure that the End Date is at least 1 day after the Start Date.

The times are determined by the time on the mobile device on which the App is operating so you do not need to adjust the times to accommodate those in other time zones.

Finally, decide how frequently you want alerts to be sent by choosing either Minute(s) or Hour(s) and entering a number into the Interval box. Then choose to check the Randomization box or not. For example, if you entered "Every 120 minutes" without checking the Randomization box then your participant will be alerted every 120 minutes beginning at 8:00AM (or whatever Start Time you have entered) until the end time (6PM), that is, at 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00 and 16:00.

If you do check the Randomization box then the alert will be sent at some randomly determined point within the first 120 minutes (e.g. between 8.00am and 10.00am) and every subsequent 120 minute block until the End Time. To prevent overlapping survey windows where two instances of the same survey are available simultaneously, the mEMA system will automatically create a 10% time buffer between time intervals. If you choose an interval of 120 minutes and the Daily Data Collection period begins at 8:00am then no surveys will be scheduled for the first and last 10% of this interval. 10% of 120 minutes is 12 minutes, thus, no surveys will be scheduled between 9:48am (i.e. 12 minutes before the end of the first interval) and 10:12am (12 minutes after the start of the second interval).

You will see the schedule now in the table at the end of the scheduling box. It shows you when each alert is scheduled for and when the window will open and close. Press Create schedule from parameters and you will see the assignment appear in the table on the My Surveys page. If you click the Edit you can return to the Survey Assignment box to make changes.

Scheduled Surveys

Use the Scheduled type when you want to make a survey available at a specific, pre-determined time. When you select "Scheduled" from the drop down menu an additional pop-up window will open up. This provides 20 lines for you to schedule up to 20 instances of the survey. Complete each line (or as many as you need) with:
• Date: In the format MM/DD/YYYT
• Time: Hour, Minutes (00, 15, 30, 45) AM/PM
• Press "Create schedule from parameters".
The survey will be available at this time for the duration of the Survey Availability Window, which you can set from the "Configure Momentary Parameters" box

Repeated Surveys

Use the Repeated Survey types when you want to deliver the same survey at the same time/day for a defined period of time (e.g. every Monday at 6.30pm for the next 5 weeks, or Wednesdays at 9.45 am for the next 4 weeks, etc.). When you select "Repeated" from the drop down menu an additional pop-up window will open up. This allows you to define up to 20 repeating days/times. Use as many of these as you want.

Choose the Day (from the drop down menu) then the Hour, Minutes and AM/PM. If you choose, for instance, Monday 6:30PM then the App will alert your participant every Monday at this time within the Start End Dates you chose earlier.

On Demand Surveys

These type of surveys can be taken at any time (within the Start / End dates you select) by the participants to which they are assigned. From the mobile App your participants can simply press "Start New" to complete a new instance of the survey. All you need to do is select the "On Demand" survey type and limit the dates. Before and after the dates you select the participant will not be able to access the survey.

Limited On Demand Surveys

If you don't want the App to alert your participants (as in the Momentary type schedule) and you want them to be able to initiate when to complete a survey (as in "on-demand") but you want to limit how many surveys they can submit each day then use the 'Limited on-demand" schedule type. Choose "limited on-demand" in the Schedule Type menu then proceed as if you were programming a Momentary type schedule.

Momentary surveys must have limited dates. The "Limit Dates" box will be checked, you can edit the Start and End dates.

"none" schedule types

When you choose "none" as the schedule type the survey will be available to be taken from the web platform at any time but will never appear on any of the mobile devices. You can choose to limit the dates the survey is available or not.
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